Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Merengue For Ever With La Gran Manzana From NYC!

In the 80s, this Merengue Band called "La Gran Manzana" (The Big Apple) introduced a Merengue style that evolved and gained fans in Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, South America and many cities in the U.S., mostly in New York.

The band was directed by pianist/arranger/singer Henry Hierro and Lead Singer Victor Roque. We remember them in all NYC night clubs looking as the most elegant and expensive-looking band of their time.

The band manager and mentor was the late impresario Leonardo Morantin. This song is titled "Mentirosa" from their 2nd album edited in 1985.

This was the 1st song from La Gran Manzana to get airplay in the DR, the one that ignited the fame they still have, even after the band went through changes and the leaders separated.

La Gran Manzana certainly made some good Merengue For Ever!!!



Sunday, June 20, 2010

Merengue In Saturday Night Live (The Manuel Ortiz Show)

The gifted comedian Fred Armisen is the host of The Manuel Ortiz Show, a recurrent segment in Saturday Night Live, which spoofs what happens in the TV made in the Dominican Republic.

It's easy to find many Dominican show hosts that kill lots of airtime dancing and singing during their shows.

This situation is brilliantly exploited here, in a very funny way. The reality of the situation is that no one can resist listening to Merengue without dancing to it.

Remember, everyone in The Manuel Ortiz Show is supposed to be playing a Dominican.

This is a sketch from the show that aired on NBC as a rerun on Saturday June 19, 2010.

Footage courtesy of NBC TV Network

Merengue For Ever!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Merengue Concert To Remember

This video is a freelance video report produced by Lorenzo Fenix about a great Merengue Concert held at Shea Stadium in Queens, New York on June 24, 2006. 

“Que Viva El Merengue” was one of the most memorable celebrations that took place in the old stadium used by the New York Mets, the team now plays at the modern City Field stadium, which was built next to the old one. 

Merengue Concerts have not been celebrated yet in the new stadium, which opened on Opening Day 2009.

This footage was broadcast as part of the international TV Show “Entre NY Y Quisqueya”.

Merengue is the sweetest kind of tropical music, enjoy!


Merengue For Ever!!!

More Merengue videos at:  http://www.youtube.com/Lorenzofenix

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Merengue For Ever In The Neighborhood

In a hot summer in NYC, Merengue music provides refreshment for kids and the police...enjoy!

Merengue For Ever!!!